Cheer Financial’s AI Algorithm Achieves Breakthrough Performance
Dear Investors and Supporters,
We have exciting news to share about our core technology. Our data science team has recently implemented significant improvements to our AI lending algorithm, resulting in remarkable performance gains.
Key achievements:
– Loan acceptance rate increased from 89% to 93%
– False positive rate reduced by 60%
– Decision time decreased by 40%, now averaging under 3.5 minutes
These improvements have not only enhanced our competitive edge but also attracted attention from major financial institutions. We’re currently in early-stage discussions with two of the top 10 U.S. banks about potential partnerships or licensing agreements.
What’s Next For Cheer:
While we continue to improve our flagship product of our POS merchant lending solution, Cheer also has several exciting initiatives it will be using to push company growth including a peer-to-peer lending platform and a crypto-backed lending option over.
We believe these advancements will be instrumental in our next phase of growth and look forward to keeping you updated on our progress.
Best regards,
Gregory Giagnocavo, CEO